23, Jul 2024
Lonely sword group enemy

Pei Min is at war again. His posture is even more agile than before. He is elegant and heroic. He doesn’t look like a seriously injured person. An ancient poem was sung from his mouth and resounded throughout the Hawaiian waters. He greeted the enemy while singing the poem. "Zhao…

22, Jul 2024
Her delicate hands were blown up on the spot, and one arm was full of bones!

Boom! A big hand leaned out from the arrow of the setting sun and directly blasted Yunyang Palace’s main front. Suddenly, her front was empty and blasted. air billow swept away and let her break her hands and turn into clouds of blood fog. ? "What is hidden in the…

22, Jul 2024
Yip hon roared, "bump!"

"Yes!" The driver promised, but when the speed was still reduced to the armored vehicle in the way, it almost stopped. Then the front of the car leaned against the side of the armored vehicle and walked forward like an angry bull until the armored vehicle in the way was…

18, Jul 2024
an instant

There is only a gun shining in heaven and earth. Compared with the means, Lufeng Jerome, though weak in breath, still has the strength to fight again. These six orders of power should also be frightened. "Hey!" The sword sings In the sky, a knife light rises slowly and firmly.…

15, Jul 2024
Xue Yi was smashed into a paste with a stick!

Zhuyi looked at a pool of meat sauce in the deep pit and went around to the figure behind Changsheng. His arm shook and he pulled out his knife and almost fell to the ground. Changsheng has turned around. "You want to kill me, too?" "No, no … I want…

15, Jul 2024
Izumo’s boss certainly knows this, so after being reprimanded by him, Asa Anzhi will be forced to leave a sentence "This is not the same as saying" and then run away.

Afterwards, Canada explained to him that Izumo’s boss suddenly changed his mind. He gave shallow anzhi an escape ticket and camouflage equipment with a face of apology. Of course, he bought an extra one with the same clothes and equipment. So far, the plan has gone very smoothly. Jia Yueli…

14, Jul 2024
Jin Mantang didn’t speak, and his mouth slowly rippled with a strange smile.

This smile makes my heart tremble suddenly! A feeling of extreme danger suddenly burst out! It’s the heart again! It is accurate to the extreme! This Jin Mantang undressed must be a conspiracy! But what is the conspiracy? Cheng Ge made fun of Jin Mantang. "If an old man doesn’t…

10, Jul 2024
I suddenly think of my dead comrade-in-arms, and I feel quite heavy.

But now there is a man sitting next to him with a heavier heart, and his heaviness gradually turns into sympathy and he feels that he should comfort himself. However, it is still the same reason that the words come to my mouth. If you expose yourself to know Song…

9, Jul 2024
The wheel king is more than just a title

It contains a wisp of will, and the seal is the key. Otherwise, he is the most powerful ghost king level. At the moment when the wheel king was killed, Xu retreated and directly prompted the Taishan government to seal the wheel and cover it with the great power of…

6, Jul 2024
Another day later, a great event that shocked the whole world happened in the sea. There were 49 small and medium-sized sects in the east, south, west and north, which involved various sects, such as Refiner Sect, Dragon Slayer Sect, and Cave in the Sunset. Thirty-six of these sects were destroyed, and more than ten of them actually chose to move out of the sea to repair their sight in just one day.

When this happens, no big power will sit still. All the big factions send people to find out, but the result is that every strong leader looks gloomy. In the last few days, a white shadow traveled all over the world. He was extremely fast and could not be captured…