16, Jul 2024
Big Star Jun’s six arms around him, dragonfly head, Samsung Jun sneered and buzzed, echoing his eldest brother, "I’ll skin this little demon if the Buddha moves."

Big cicada looks like a five-star monarch and a single butterfly in nine planets. They happen to coincide and cast a glance at the two ghost masters of Leaky Deep. There is a smile in the eyes of the star monarch … In this mess, the stars are all over…

16, Jul 2024
"Why don’t you go to my humble abode and have a rest?"

"It’s better to have a good meal and just have a deep sleep." Lingqing nodded As the kindness returned to his house, he fell asleep as soon as he touched the couch. Mercy opened his mouth at a side and saw Lingqing in this state without waiting for it. Then…

15, Jul 2024
Xue Yi was smashed into a paste with a stick!

Zhuyi looked at a pool of meat sauce in the deep pit and went around to the figure behind Changsheng. His arm shook and he pulled out his knife and almost fell to the ground. Changsheng has turned around. "You want to kill me, too?" "No, no … I want…

15, Jul 2024
Once again, I feel very cordial when I see Jiang Feng.

"Who is he? ?” Behind a girl looked up and stared at Jiang Feng towards the door and asked the Lord. The extreme master turned his head. "He is Jiang Feng!" "Jiang Feng! ?” The girl’s face changed and her eyes showed lost face to Jiang Feng. It’s no wonder…

15, Jul 2024
Izumo’s boss certainly knows this, so after being reprimanded by him, Asa Anzhi will be forced to leave a sentence "This is not the same as saying" and then run away.

Afterwards, Canada explained to him that Izumo’s boss suddenly changed his mind. He gave shallow anzhi an escape ticket and camouflage equipment with a face of apology. Of course, he bought an extra one with the same clothes and equipment. So far, the plan has gone very smoothly. Jia Yueli…

14, Jul 2024
Big Ben asked, "Does the Cang Shi wizard have a way to deal with it?"

Lingqing Road "The strongest array method must be the eye of the array, but the strongest point is also the weakest point." If you can break the eye, then no matter what kind of array is broken. Although the big array of stars on Sunday wins the fight, it also…

14, Jul 2024
Jin Mantang didn’t speak, and his mouth slowly rippled with a strange smile.

This smile makes my heart tremble suddenly! A feeling of extreme danger suddenly burst out! It’s the heart again! It is accurate to the extreme! This Jin Mantang undressed must be a conspiracy! But what is the conspiracy? Cheng Ge made fun of Jin Mantang. "If an old man doesn’t…

14, Jul 2024
But what if you want to be white?

It is too important to send channels across satellites. Shui Zhi doesn’t dare to gamble at all! Can’t afford to lose! Thirty-two man-machine fully delayed the Eldar nine-guard star-rated elder Shui Zhi for forty minutes! It has been more than 50 minutes since the Blue Star retreated, and it is…

13, Jul 2024
The cave is more spacious and bright.

There is no weak wind in my ears, and it becomes very quiet around me. It is suffocating. There is a purple light flashing ahead, which looks like the end of the cave. Liancheng tactic narrowed his eyes, and the gown slightly encouraged a vigorous qi machine to radiate from…

13, Jul 2024
When the immortal emperor spoke, he took out an array, which detonated the thunder keys buried in Tianlong Palace.

Hum- Fairy emperor first instilled a spiritual force into the array plate. Hum- Then the king also instilled a spiritual force into the array. Rumble- When the immortal emperor and the human king instilled spiritual power into the array, there was an earth-shattering noise in the Tianlong Palace where Xu…